- Groupe RECORD, UMR-S 707
- Centre d'Investigations Préventives et Cliniques
- Centre de Recherche du Centre Hospitalier de l'Université de Montréal
Groupe RECORD, UMR-S 707
Basile Chaix
Researcher at Inserm
Basile Chaix obtained a PhD in Epidemiology and Public Health at University Pierre et Marie Curie in 2004. After a post-doctorate in Sweden at Lund University, Basile Chaix was recruited in 2007 as a permanent researcher at Inserm, where he conceived and develops the RECORD Cohort Study. Based on the data collected in the study, his research interests pertain to the relationships between geographic life environments and different metabolic risk factors, to innovative methodological approaches in contextual analysis, and to the incorporation of daily mobility in environment-health studies.
Julie Méline
Post-doctorate student (Ile-de-France Region)
Julie Méline obtained in 2010 a PhD in Environmental health (co-affiliation at Université Paris IV-Sorbonne, Paris and University Jagiellonne, Cracovia). After a position at University Jagiellonne in Cracovia, Julie Méline has started a post-doctorate at UMR-S 707. Supported by the Île-de-France Region, her work based on the RECORD Study is related to the influence of noise (air, road, and train traffic) on the health of Ile-de-France residents in their different geographic life environments.
Antoine Lewin
PhD student at Inserm and UPMC
After a Master in Environmental health and Occupational health from the Medical Faculty of the University of Montreal, Antoine Lewin has started a PhD in Epidemiology and Public Health at the University Pierre et Marie Curie in the context of the RECORD Study. His research is related to the relationships between geographic life environments and excess body weight and fat based on the first and second waves of the study. This project is supported by the Ile-de-France region.
Noëlla Karusisi
PhD student at Inserm and UPMC
After a Master II in Statistical Methodology in Biomedical Research at University Paris South, Noëlla Karusisi has started a PhD in Epidemiology and Public Health in the RECORD Study group. In her work, she will focus on the complex relationships existing between geographic life environments and recreational physical activity, in the context of a project supported by INPES and by the Ile-de-France DRJSCS.
Julie Burban
PhD student, Assistant at the Hospital-University Center of Rennes
After a Medical degree in Oral health and dentistry at the University of Toulouse, and in addition to her position of Assistant at the Odontology Department of the Hospital-University Center of Rennes, Julie Burban has joined the RECORD group for a PhD co-directed by Pr. Jean-Marie Vulcain and Basile Chaix. Her work will focus on socio-spatial disparities in oral health and on the underlying mechanisms.
Ruben Brondeel
EHESP PhD Student (Inserm - UPMC)
After a Master in Public health (epidemiology option) at University Paris Sud and a Master in Statistics at the Faculty of Sciences at Ghent University, Ruben Brondeel has joined the RECORD group for a PhD. His work, based on the RECORD GPS Study (that relies on GPS and accelerometers), will be devoted to the investigation of the relationships between transportation habits and physical activity.
Camille Perchoux
Doctoral student at the University of Montreal and at the University Pierre and Marie Curie
After a Master II in Geographic Sciences at the University of Provence Aix-Marseille I, Camille Perchoux has started a PhD with a double affiliation at the University of Montreal and at the University Pierre and Marie Curie. Funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, supervised by Yan Kestens and co-supervised by Basile Chaix, her work based on the RECORD Study will focus on activity spaces and mobility behavior of the participants and on the relevance of accounting for individual mobility patterns in the investigation of the relationships between geographic life environments and health.
Karima Meghiref
Research assistant, coordinator of the second wave of the RECORD Study
After a Master 2 in Public Health at University of Versailles – Saint-Quentin, Karima Meghiref left the research community for few years. She came back to public health research by integrating the RECORD group where she participated in the development of the protocol of the second wave of the RECORD Study. She coordinates the field work of the second study wave.
Claire Merrien
Coordinator of the GPS Study
Claire Merrien holds a degree and a teaching habilitation in contemporary literature. Teacher of contemporary literature for 20 years, she is also a short story writer and a photographer. Since the beginning of 2012, she has joined the RECORD group in the context of the RECORD GPS Study. She is in charge of the general coordination of the GPS Study; she surveys participants after the GPS and accelerometer follow-up; and she participates in the definition and improvement of the study protocol.
Valérie Thériau
Survey operator, coordinator of data collection in the second study wave
Valérie Thériau has a Master in French and Foreign Languages from University New Sorbonne Paris 3. After a considerable number of professional experiences as a survey operator, she has joined the RECORD group to collect data in the context of the second wave of the RECORD Study.
Juliette Krassilchik
In charge of the follow-up of the participants
Juliette Krassilchik has a degree in Applied Foreign Languages from Université Paris III La Sorbonne. She has joined the RECORD group where she is in charge of the follow-up of the participants and of the organization of the appointments in the second wave of the RECORD Study.
Centre d'Investigations Préventives et Cliniques
Frédérique Thomas
Chargée d’études
Frédérique Thomas conduit des recherches sur les relations qui existent entre les facteurs de risque métabolique et le risque cardiovasculaire et la mortalité. Dans le cadre du projet RECORD, elle s’intéresse aux disparités sociales de facteurs de risque cardiovasculaires.
Centre de Recherche du Centre Hospitalier de l'Université de Montréal
Yan Kestens
Yan Kestens détient un doctorat en Aménagement du Territoire (Université Laval, Québec) et un post-doctorat en Épidémiologie Spatiale (Université de Montréal). Depuis 2006, il est chercheur affilié au Centre de Recherche du Centre Hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal et à la Direction de Santé Publique de Montréal. Ses travaux portent sur les interactions personnes-environnements en lien avec les inégalités socio-spatiales de santé. Avec son équipe montréalaise, il contribue à développer une application informatique visant à documenter les lieux d’activité des participants pour la seconde vague de l'Etude RECORD.
Benoit Thierry
Research assistant
Benoit Thierry is an engineer in telecom and holds a Master in geomatics from University of Laval (Québec). After his work on spatial uncertainty in forestry planning and studies of anthropic pressure on mangroves in India, he joined the research group of Yan Kestens at the Research Center of CHU of Montreal where he develops spatial analytic methods applied to the built environment and population health. He heavily participated in the development of the tools that are employed in the second wave of the RECORD Study and in the RECORD GPS Study and in the analysis of the resulting data.