- Scientific articles
- Information letters (RECORDing)
- PhD or internship reports
- Oral presentations
- Citations in the media
Scientific articles
Drewnowski A, Moudon A, Jiao J, Aggarwal A, Charreire H, Chaix B. Food shopping behaviors and socioeconomic status influence obesity rates in Seattle and in Paris. Int J Obes, in press. (O)
Chaix B, Méline J, Duncan S, Merrien C, Karusisi N, Perchoux C, Lewin A, Labadi K, Kestens Y. GPS tracking in neighborhood and health studies: a step forward for environmental exposure assessment, a step backward for causal inference? Health & Place 2013; 17;21C:46-51. (R)
Chaix B, Méline J, Duncan S, Jardinier L, Perchoux C, Merrien C, Karusisi N, Lewin A, Brondeel R, Kestens Y. Neighborhood environments, mobility, and health: towards a new generation of studies in environmental health research. Rev Epidemiol Sante Publique 2013;61 Suppl 3:S139-45.
Chaix B, Kestens Y, Perchoux C, Karusisi N, Merlo J, Labadi K. An interactive mapping tool to assess individual mobility patterns in neighborhood studies. Am J Prev Med 2012;43(4):440-450.
Chaix B, Kestens Y, Bean K, Leal C, Karusisi N, Meghiref K, Burban J, Fon Sing M, Perchoux C, Thomas F, Merlo J, Pannier B. Cohort profile: residential and non-residential environments, individual activity spaces, and cardiovascular risk factors and diseases: the RECORD Cohort Study. Int J Epidemiol 2012;41:1283-92. (R)
Karusisi N, Thomas F, Méline J, Chaix B. Spatial accessibility to specific sport facilities and corresponding sport practice: the RECORD Study. Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act 2013;10(1):48. (O)
Van Hulst A, Thomas F, Barnett TA, Kestens Y, Gauvin L, Pannier B, Chaix B. A typology of neighborhoods and blood pressure in the RECORD Cohort Study. J Hypertens 2012;30(7):1336-1346. (O)
Karusisi N, Bean K, Oppert JM, Pannier B, Chaix B. Multiple dimensions of residential environments, neighborhood experiences, and jogging behavior in the RECORD Study. Prev Med 2012;55(1):50-55. (O)
Chaix B, Bean K, Daniel M, Zenk SN, Kestens Y, Charreire H, Leal C, Thomas F, Karusisi N, Weber C, Oppert JM, Simon C, Merlo J, Pannier B. Associations of Supermarket Characteristics with Weight Status and Abdominal Fat: a Multilevel Analysis of Individuals Nested within Supermarkets (the RECORD Study). PLoS One 2012;7(4):e32908. (O)
Leal C, Bean K, Thomas F, Chaix B. Multicollinearity in associations between multiple environmental features and body weight and abdominal fat: using matching techniques to assess whether the associations are separable. Am J Epidemiol 2012;175(11):1152-1162. (O)
Chaix B, Jouven X, Thomas F, Leal C, Billaudeau N, Bean K, Kestens Y, Jego B, Pannier B, Danchin N. Why socially deprived populations have a faster resting heart rate: impact of behaviour, life course anthropometry, and biology – the RECORD Cohort Study. Social Science and Medicine 2011;73:1543-50. (O)
Leal C, Bean K, Thomas F, Chaix B. Are associations between ego-centered neighborhood socioeconomic characteristics and body mass index or waist circumference based on model extrapolations? Epidemiology 2011;22:694-703. (O)
Chaix B, Billaudeau N, Thomas F, Havard S, Evans D, Kestens Y, Bean K. Neighborhood effects on health: Correcting bias from neighborhood effects on participation. Epidemiology 2011;22:18-26. (O)
Chaix B, Bean K, Leal C, Thomas F, Havard S, Evans D, Jégo B, Pannier B. Individual/neighborhood social factors and blood pressure in the RECORD Cohort Study: which risk factors explain the associations? Hypertension 2010;55:769-775. (O)
Havard S, Reich BJ, Bean K, Chaix B. Social Inequalities in Residential Exposure to Road Traffic Noise: An Environmental Justice Analysis Based on the RECORD Cohort Study. Occup Environ Med 2011;68:366-374. (O)
Leal C, Chaix B. The influence of geographic life environments on cardiometabolic risk factors: a systematic review, a methodological assessment, and a research agenda. Obesity Reviews 20102010;12:217-230. (R)
Chaix B, Merlo J, Evans D, Leal C, Havard C. Commentary: Neighbourhoods in eco-epidemiologic research – delimiting personal exposure areas. Soc Sci Med 2009;69:1306-1310. (Commentaire invité)
Chaix B, Leal C, Evans D. Neighborhood-level confounding in epidemiologic studies: unavoidable challenges, uncertain solutions. Epidemiology 2010;21:124-127. (Commentaire invité)
Chaix B. Geographic life environments and coronary heart disease: a literature review, theoretical contributions, methodological updates, and a research agenda. Annu Rev Public Health 2009;30:81-105. (R)
PhD or internship reports
Internship report of Ruben Brondeel (University Paris Sud). "Use of healthcare services in the residence and workplace neighbourhood: the effect of spatial accessibility to healthcare services". Internship report defended in June 2013.
Internship report of Margot Annequin at Université Libre de Bruxelles (Public health science, Biostatistics and Epidemiology): "Individual and environmental characteristics associated with depression and mental healthcare utilization: a multilevel analysis based on the RECORD Study".
PhD report of Cinira Leal (Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Santé Publique). "Residential environments and obesity: the application of matching techniques to estimate the relationships". PhD defended the 24th of October, 2011.
Internship report of Nathalie Baudet at Université René Descartes (Statistics Applied to Social Sciences and Epidemiology): "Residential environment and walking: a study based on the RECORD Cohort".
Internship report of Hady Kaba at Université Pierre et Marie Curie: "Physical and social environment of residence and recreational physical activity: the RECORD Cohort Study".
Oral presentations
Chaix B. Environnements, mobilité/transport et santé. Colloquium of Société Française de Santé Publique “Santé publique & environnements de vie: transports-mobilité, déplacement, aménagement de l’espace”, Paris, September 16 2013.
Chaix B. A combined Public health / Transportation approach to GPS studies in health research. Workshop on “Spatial analysis of GPS data”, University of Exeter, Exeter, UK, May 16 2013.
Chaix B. The environments, mobility, and health: methodological issues. Seminar at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (Faculty of Public Health & Policy), London, UK, May 14 2013.
Chaix B. Incorporating mobility in neighborhood and health studies through surveys of regular destinations and GPS tracking. Erasmus Medical Centre, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, March 22 2013.
Chaix B. Disparités socio-territoriales, mobilité / transport, et excès de poids. 16th Journées annuelles de Santé publique (JASP), “Prévenir les problèmes liés au poids de façon durable et équitable : un regard France-Québec”, Montréal, Canada, November 28 2012.
Chaix B. Neighborhood, mobility, and health : strengthening the partnership between public health and urban planning. First colloquium of the Public Health ITMO: “Déterminants sociaux de la santé : les apports de la recherche en Santé Publique”, October 26 2012.
Chaix B. Incorporating mobility in neighborhood and health studies through surveys of regular destinations and GPS tracking (the RECORD Study). Conference on "Explaining Health Inequalities: the Role of Space and Time", Bielefeld University, Germany, June 25-27 2012.
Chaix B, Kestens Y. Assessing mobility using a web mapping application: the VERITAS software applied to the RECORD Study. "Emerging technologies for assessing environmental influences on physical activity" workshop, ISBNPA Conference, Austin, Texas, USA, May 23-26 2012.
Chaix B. Environnements de vie, mobilité et santé. Seminarium “Mobilité et santé” of IFSTTAR, March 26 2012.
Chaix B. Villes, transport et santé. Entretiens du CERTU (workshop #13), Lyon, February 1 2012.
Chaix B. Environnement et activité de marche. Seminarium "Développer la marche en ville: mobilité, santé, sécurité du piéton" (CERTU et Direction Générale de la Santé), Paris, September 15 2011.
Chaix B. Inégalités sociales, environnements de vie, activité physique et excès de poids. Journées de la Prévention de l’Inpes, Paris, May 20 2011.
Chaix B. Neighborhood environments and cardiovascular risk factors in the Paris Metropolitan area: the RECORD Cohort Study. International seminar on Neighborhood and Area Effects on Health, Villejuif, February 18 2011.
Chaix B. Effets des environnements physique, de services et d'interactions sociales sur la santé: l'Etude de Cohorte RECORD. 12ème Congrès des Observatoires Régionaux de Santé « Territoires et Santé des Populations », communication en plénière, Lyon, November 10 2010.
Leal C, Chaix B. Ego-centered neighborhood socioeconomic characteristics and obesity: revisiting the analyses in the RECORD Cohort Study using propensity score matching techniques. 43th Annual meeting of the Society for Epidemiologic Research, Seattle, USA, June 23-26 2010. Abstract in: Am J Epidemiol 2010;171:203-S
Chaix B. Modeling environmental effects and their contributions to health disparities: the role of spatial models. Environmental Protection Agency Symposium on Environmental Justice and Disproportionate Impacts, Washington, USA, March 18 2010.
Chaix B et le groupe RECORD. Les disparités socio-spatiales d’obésité en Île-de-France : description et étude des mécanismes à partir de la Cohorte RECORD. Conférence Régionale de Santé d’Île-de-France, Paris, June 10 2009.
Citations in the media
Citation of the article on supermarkets and excess weight in the Quotidien du Médecin.
Summary of the media coverage for the article on supermarkets and excess weight.
Citation of the RECORD Study on the website of the French newspaper Le Point: "Social inequalities: hypertension more prevalent in disadvantaged neighborhoods".