Completion of the first wave of the RECORD GPS Study (GPS and accelerometers)

Posté le 16/06/2013 12:22

The data collection in the first wave of the RECORD GPS Study started in February 2012 and ended in June 2013.

The GPS study was proposed to 410 participants of the RECORD Cohort. Among them, 247 accepted to participate, but 9 abandoned during data collection and 2 could not be followed due to problems with the devices. Overall, data were collected for 236 participants, representing a completion rate of 57,6%.

The RECORD GPS Study is the first one that collected GPS and accelerometer data and precise survey mobility data with an electronic application for 7 days. The second wave of the RECORD GPS Study, which will use innovative tools, will start in September 2013.

The RECORD GPS Study received financial support from the Ministry of Ecology (DGITM) and from the CERTU, from INPES, from IReSP, from STIF, from the ARS of Ile-de-France, from the Regional Council of Ile-de-France, and from RATP. We warmly thank these institutions.

Catégories: Information